00:47 28.Mar 2025 CET

A few days in Arco (lago di garda) 2007

link to a picture collection of Arco
link to a picture collection of rock climbing near Crosano
climbing in Crosano
link to a picture collection of a via ferrata near Biacesa
Klettersteig in Biacesa
link to a picture collection of via ferrata on Monte Albano (Mori)
Via attrezzata di Monte Albano (Mori)
link to a picture collection of rock climbing on friction plates (Arco)
climbing on friction plates in Arco
link to a picture collection of a hiking trial above Limone and Limone itself
hiking above Limone & town
link to a picture collection of Malcesine
link to a picture collection of Monte Misone
Monte Misone
link to a picture collection of Heuberg (Nussdorf)
Heuberg in Nussdorf

A few days in Arco (lago di garda) -- 2008 again

2008 war Ostern rekordverdächtig früh -- dafür wars dann doch erstaunlich warm, aber die hohen Berge hatten alle ab ca. 1500m noch Schnee.

link to a picture collection of Arco
link to a picture collection of rock climbing near Crosano
Colodri im Scheeregen
link to a picture collection of a via ferrata near Biacesa
Im Sarcatal zum Dosso Grande
link to a picture collection of Arco
Monte Baldo
link to a picture collection of rock climbing near Crosano
link to a picture collection of a via ferrata near Biacesa
Klettersteige über Riva
link to a picture collection of Arco
Colodri- und Schlucht Klettersteig

Last modified: Mon Apr 7 00:11:04 CEST 2008


Arco 2007

Arco 2008

